The Psychedelic Renaissance

Reassessing the Role of Psychedelic Drugs in 21st Century Psychiatry and Society: Second Edition

By (author) Ben Sessa

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Book Details

  • Publisher : Aeon Academic
  • Published : November 2019
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 402
  • Size : 155mm(w) x 235mm(h)
  • Catalogue No : 94840
  • ISBN 13 : 9781913274276
  • ISBN 10 : 1913274276
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Price : £22.50
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Praise for Second Edition of The Psychedelic Renaissance:

'Onward, intrepid explorer, keep your wits, while allowing them to be tickled, as Dr Sessa leads you into a world of remarkable wonders! You are in for a real treat!' Robin Carhart-Harris

'This new book is a succinct, entertaining overview of the emerging "Psychedelic Renaissance" written by an insider, and one of the brightest young architects of this new emerging paradigm.' Dr Dennis J. McKenna

'With intelligence, fact-based optimism and compassion Sessa throws open the doors of perception and guides the reader through the complexities of the history, pharmacology, legality and potential of these miraculous molecules.' Andy Roberts

'This new edition of Sessa's, The Psychedelic Renaissance, will encourage researchers to work in this field, to the benefit of our understanding of how the brain works and to develop new approaches to psychiatric disorders.' David Nutt

'Dr. Ben Sessa prescribes a way forward; mainstreaming psychedelics for a world in deep need of spirituality and inspiration. The Psychedelic Renaissance is a book that deserves to be widely read.' Rick Doblin

'Ben Sessa's energetic review of the research and cultural use of psychedelics provides a unique perspective. The way forward is clear: we urgently need more scientific research, and a rational reform of drug policies.' Amanda Feilding

'The Psychedelic Renaissance will inevitably and rightly be seen as an important marker of their assimilation into the cultural mainstream. I highly recommend it.' Ralph Metzner

'Dr. Sessa skilfully chronicles important developments, perhaps a turning point, in psychiatry and in the understanding of psychedelics in the wider culture. This new updated edition of The Psychedelic Renaissance is informative, entertaining and timely.' Michael Mithoefer

About the author

By (author) Ben Sessa

Dr Ben Sessa is a NHS Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist working in Taunton, Somerset with children and young people with a wide range of severe mental disorders. He trained in medicine at University College London and is a member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. Dr Sessa's research into psychedelic therapy has been published in 'The British Journal of Psychiatry'.

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