Aeon Health - Events and Seminars

AMH online event with Julia Behrens - Lost in Lyme - FREE


Online - starts 7pm




1 hour

Extra Info

Medical Herbalist Julia Behrens will be talking about addressing the challenges of Lyme disease using herbal medicine.

Patients and practitioners have found it difficult to obtain reliable and effective information, test results and treatment.

Julia will be sharing what she has learned from over twenty years and has gained a specialist and in-depth understanding of the complexities of Lyme disease and its co-infections.

This has developed from her multi-systemic approach to medicine and considerable research, which she still continues. Over the last ten years she has attended numerous conferences across Europe concerned with Lyme disease, worked in a Lyme clinic and collaborated with other Lyme professionals across a range of disciplines.

Organised By

The Association of Master Herbalists & The Natural Health Space

Web Link