Aeon Health - Events and Seminars

The Living History of Herbal Medicine with Dylan Warren-Davis - Part 8: Willow, Opium Poppy, Star Anise, Aloe Vera and Robert Boyle






7PM - 7:40PM

Extra Info

Join Aeon Education for Part 8: Willow, Opium Poppy, Star Anise, Aloe Vera and Robert Boyle in The Living History of Herbal Medicine series.

Herbalist, astrologer and alchemist Dylan Warren-Davis will be your guide where he reveals the hidden meanings in history that link with healing and esoteric knowledge.  

Each seminar Dylan unlocks the secrets passed down through generations of herbalists. 

In Part 8 Dylan concludes his 8 part series bringing us into the 20th Century.  He begins with one of the founders of modern chemistry, Robert Boyle, and so begins a lesson in chemistry and a move away from traditional alchemy and the physic. 

In this webinar you will really start to understand how the developments in science of lead us away from our traditional routes, losing the early knowledge of herbalism to the detriment of our health. Dylan explains the birth of the pharmaceutical system and how the standardisation of medical education led to the decline of natural medicine schools and the rise of pharmaceutical dominance.

You will learn the synthesis of Aspirin from coal tar, the extraction of alkaloids from poppy, the discovery of cellular glycoform's and their importance, the healing power of aloe vera and its impact on glycoforms, how monosaccharide sugars are the key to learning, and why herbal medicine is so crucial in the world in which we live.

In this talk Dylan weaves in everything from chemistry, to astrology, to the importance of palmistry and why anyone in natural medicine should learn the skills of chiromancy. You will also learn some basic palmistry skills in this course!

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Aeon Education

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