Margi Flint

Margi Flint

Margi Flint RH, B. Sc. has been working with people and herbs since she began her herbal studies in 1974. Her clinical practice evolved through continued study with admired herbalists. Margi practices in the seacoast town of Marblehead, Massachusetts and over the past forty-plus years was their "village herbalist." She is a professional member of the American Herbalists Guild ~ Herbal Mentor, is on staff at Pacific Rim College in British Columbia, was an Adjunct Professor at Tufts University School of Medicine 1994-1970, North Shore Community College 2003 -2008 and continues to lecture at Bastyr University and Mass. College of Pharmacy for their undergraduate programs

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The Practicing Herbalist

Margi Flint

£140.00 (HB)

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