Aeon Health - Events and Seminars

A Taste of Plant Spirit Medicine


Near Ludlow, Shropshire


13/05/2023 - 14/05/2023


2 days

Extra Info

Come to a beautiful location in Shropshire near Ludlow and be introduced to Plant Spirit Medicine, a deep and true answer to the imbalance of our time. The weekend is facilitated by qualified teachers Lucy Wells and Pip Waller who have practised plant spirit medicine since 2005.

Come and enjoy being introduced to, connecting and building deep relationship with nature and the plant spirits.

A one-off experience to deepen connection with divine nature, or as an enticement to further study of the extraordinary medicine of the plant spirits.

Booking essential as places are limited.

For more info or to book
Cost ?150 lunches included, concessions available

Organised By

Pip Waller and Lucy Wells

Web Link