Aeon Health - Events and Seminars

Conscious Menopause Workshop


Ludlow Assembly Rooms




3 hours

Extra Info

In this workshop as part of the Ludlow Fringe Festival, Aeon author Reva Adie shares some of the themes from her debut book A Guide to Conscious Menopause - Passage to Wise Woman, inviting us to question the conditioned perspectives about peri-menopause and menopause.

The workshop offers women who define themselves as being in the phase of perimenopause and menopause a space to honour and explore this profound transition in life. Reva will share different embodied practices to support you in this transition. There will also be authentic sharing, exploring the conditioned messages we have received personally and collectively, welcoming different perspectives and embracing new attitudes, including perceiving this life phase as a transformative initiation to our wild woman years. Participants will need to bring yoga mat, cushion and blanket.

Comments from previous participants:
- "It was beautiful and intimate. It felt like coming home. I felt nourished by my sisters."
- "I enjoyed being challenged and allowed to step out of my box a little"
- "Allowing women to reconnect with their true inner power"?
- "Returning home with a renewed sense of spirit and beauty!"?
- "Wonderful space, safely held by Reva, allowing a group of women of all ages to explore their journey of womenhood in the spirit of honest sharing."

Reva has lived off grid in Pembrokeshire and is a psychotherapist, shamanic practitioner, yoga teacher and amataur herbalist. She is founder of the School of the Sacred Feminine.

Organised By

Ludlow Fringe Festival

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