Aeon Health - Events and Seminars

Bubbles & Brews Workshop


Wells, Somerset


08/06/2023 - 11/06/2023


4 days

Extra Info

Curious to know more about wild yeast vinegars, herbal vinegars, oxymels, kvasses, sodas,
fruit wines, amazake and sake? Join this unique and intimate 4 day fermentation “bubble”
with Kirsten Shockey, Mara King and Jo Webster in the beautiful and historic city of Wells,

This will be a fun, fizzy, hands-on knowledge-sharing fermentation extravaganza. Each day
will bring with it a focus on a particular area of fermentation magic. Kirsten, Mara and Jo will
combine their overlapping areas of expertise in their own inimitable and joyful way. We will
be indoors and outdoors, making, learning, enjoying and sharing knowledge between us all.

Organised By

The Peach

Web Link