Aeon Health - Events and Seminars

URHP & AMH Summer Gathering


The Purley Chase Centre, Atherstone, Warwickshire CV9 2RQ


07/07/2023 - 09/07/2023


3 days

Extra Info

Joint URHP & AMH summer conference for qualified herbalists & herbal students.

A celebration of our herbal families from our historical roots to the present day and our future together in our communities.

An opportunity to meet new and old friends, informative and inspirational talks, market stalls, herbal walks, fire ceremony and a forum together with the People’s Health Alliance, exchanging creative visions and action in our fields of wellness and health care. This is an opportunity to learn and share from the wealth of wisdom, knowledge and experience in our herbal community.

The conference begins from Friday 4pm and finishes after lunch on Sunday at 2pm.

Organised By

The Association of Master Herbalists (AMH) and Unified Register of Herbal Practitioners (URHP)

Web Link