Aeon Health - Events and Seminars

NIMH Herbal Medicine Conference




06/10/2023 - 07/10/2023


2 days

Extra Info

NIMH's fantastic online event is back – join them for their 159th annual conference!

With scientific insights, traditional wisdoms, learnings from community herbalism and support for building herbal business, The Herbal Medicine Conference 2023 promises to be an event not to be missed.

Resilience in Practice: Overcoming adversity, building strength and knowledge

At a time when the challenges facing people, the planet and healthcare are so significant, the conference will be exploring how we can push for better outcomes by working together, and by sharing insights and experience. With a history going back thousands of years, herbal medicine has a few stories to tell about overcoming adversity.

Complimenting our fabulous in-person event, Power of Plants Festival, the conference will feature live-streamed sessions, masterclasses, world-class keynote speakers and an exhibitor area. Access to the recordings of all the sessions is included as part of the ticket price. The conference’s interactive app provides opportunities for networking, topical discussions and Q+As.

Aeon author, Hannah Charman will be speaking on building a resilient business, and Julia Behrens will be speaking about Lyme disease.

Organised By

National Institute of Medical Herbalists NIMH

Web Link