Aeon Health - Events and Seminars

Autumn - a time to prepare for Winter immunity with Barbara Wilkinson


Online - starts 7pm




2 hours

Extra Info

Join Barbara as she shares how to prepare and preserve the power of plants for winter immunity and much more, plus a live Q & A

Barbara Wilkinson DBTh MURHP:
Consultant Medical Herbalist and Naturopath, Trustee, Ambassador Co-ordinator and Instagram host for the Herb Society. She qualified as a Consultant Medical Herbalist in 2012, becoming a member of the Unified Register of Herbal Practitioners, and the College of Medicine and Integrated Health.
As well as running her own practice, Barbara has been a Trustee for The Herb Society since 2014 and has appeared as a guest speaker at numerous events and conferences. She has had an allotment for over 28 years, where she grows both food and medicine.
Barbara’s expertise was recognised by Horticulturist Alys Fowler, who approached Barbara for support during the production of her book A Modern Herbal (2019).
Herb walks, workshops and events are a passion Barbara shares with many. She can often be founded teaching foraging and the joy of herbs throughout the seasons, in Physic gardens, private gardens, and community spaces across the North West.

Organised By

The Association of Master Herbalists

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