Aeon Health - Events and Seminars

Exploring the traditional Galenic temperaments and constitutions in health and disease


Undercleave Farm, Little Torrington, Devon EX38 8QS




1 day

Extra Info

"Who are we treating anyway? Exploring the traditional Galenic temperaments and constitutions in health and disease."

On this workshop we will explore humoral medicine and how to differentiate between the individual constitutions seen in patients, how each temperament most commonly loses balance and becomes sick, and how to remedy this through herbs, diet and lifestyle.

We will look at individual case histories to see how each constitutional type best responds to herbal interventions, and how we can continue to support them in maintaining their overall well-being and harmony.

You will leave with a clear idea of what to look for in your patients to enable you to determine constitutional differences, and how to effectively bring that knowledge into your practice, herbal prescribing and lifestyle advice.

Workshop fee: £45 per person
To book a place or for further information, please contact Keith Shawe via email or What's App 07366117464.

Organised By

Keith Shaw & Stephen Taylor