Aeon Health - Events and Seminars

The First Day – Effective Herbal Responses to ‘I Think I’m Getting Sick!’ with Josh Williams


Online - starts 7pm




2 hours

Extra Info

Discover herbal protocols to use at the first signs of sickness and new approaches to immunity and working with the bodies wisdom.

Join spiritual herbalist and author Josh Williams for this masterclass in herbal medicine for immunity- from beginners to practitioners everyone will gain some clinical pearls on what to do on the first day (and beyond) of feeling ill!....

We’ve all been there- you wake up feeling fine, but by the end of the day it seems like cold or flu may be setting in. Your brain becomes foggy, skin hurts, bones ache, and head pounds. Sometimes we get lucky and sleep it off, other times we’re in full-blown sick mode in no time.

In this enlightening online class, we’ll be exploring first-sign herbal responses you can put to work when you think you might be getting sick; allies to help us duck under seasonal illness, shorten illness times, or just make the whole thing a lot less miserable!

In this class we’ll cover:
Energetic pathologies of seasonal illness during the first day
Proper immune responses and how to nourish them
A radical embracing of body wisdom
Herbs to turn to when you think you might be coming down with something
Protocols for dodging, shortening, and minimising seasonal illnesses
How to be sick with herbs
Herbal tea, tincture, soak, and oxymel recipes
And more!

We’ll be working with common Western herbs that can show up for us in some unexpected ways during cold and flu season- these are allies that go beyond ‘immune stimulation’ and focus in stead on harmonising the body’s own ability to do what’s needed based on the subtle energetics of illness as practiced in Traditional and Classic Chinese Herbalism and Western Herbal Traditions alike.

Make this the healthiest wintertime ever and come meet some of my favorite herbal allies- I’m so excited to share this with you!

About Josh

Josh Williams runs a successful clinical practice and herbal apothecary near Salt Lake City, USA. He works with clients near and far offering in-clinic and virtual consultations at He is author of two books: Spiritual Herbalism- The Magic and Medicine of the Plants and the Green Arte- The Craft of the Herb Wise.

He is an inspired and dedicated teacher of spiritual herbalism and the founder of the Green Arte tradition with over 20 years of experience, having himself studied under many celebrated herbal elders including Paul Beyerl, Kami McBride, Michael Tierra, and KP Khalsa.

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Aeon Education

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