Aeon Health - Events and Seminars

Herbs for Mental and Emotional Resilience with Anne McIntyre


Artemis House




10AM - 4PM

Extra Info

Mental and emotional problems have become an epidemic amongst people of all ages, even children. Mental and emotional health are as important to our wellbeing as our physical health, and the connection between mind, body and spirit have long been recognised in both Western herbal medicine and Ayurveda. Significant life events such as moving house, losing a loved one, changing jobs and financial strain are often recognised as causing emotional stress, as well as the accumulation of daily frustrations of situations out of our control.

This popular workshop is an introduction to managing mental and emotional imbalances through the use of medicinal herbs, adaptations to diet and lifestyle changes.

The day includes a delicious vegetarian lunch and herbal teas. The dispensary will be open and stocked with home grown herbs, Anne’s books and herbal remedies to purchase.

This course is open to anyone with an interest in knowing more about how to support their health through herbs and sustainable lifestyle changes, particularly by using the natural resources around them.

Organised By

Anne McIntyre

Web Link