Aeon Health - Events and Seminars

Botanicals & Nutrients for Depression and Anxiety with David Winston






7PM - 9PM

Extra Info

It seems almost everyone in our country is either depressed, anxious or both.

We live in a very stress filled time and society and the mainstream solution is to take a pill or talk to a therapist. Both of these approaches can work, but what if you don't want to take an SSRI or anxiolytic medication or if orthodox therapies haven’t worked for you ?

In some cases there are other options to help restore our emotional foundations and improve our psychological state.

From a herbalist's perspective we understand that impaired mental health is more than an imbalance of neurochemicals and in this class with the Association of Master Herbalists David will discuss the more than 14 underlying causes of depression (inflammation-induced depression, GI-based depression, blood sugar dysregulation-induced depression, hormonal depression, etc) and 11 causes of anxiety, (thyroid-induced anxiety, GI-induced anxiety, old-age induced anxiety, etc) and how mild to moderate cases can be often be effectively helped using the appropriate herbs.

The common misconception that St. Johns wort or any one herb is “the depression herb” is untrue and David will look at the specific indications of emotional dysfunction and the specific remedies to treat them.

Organised By

The Association of Master Herbalists

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