Aeon Health - Events and Seminars

Food Intolerances & Muscle Testing Workshop


Chartwell Apothecary & Natural Healing Clinic, Lodge Lane, Westerham, Kent, TN16 1QG




10AM - 4PM

Extra Info

A chance to learn from our esteemed colleague Christine Herbert. Author of Inflammation, Sleep, and her most recent book Digestion.

Food intolerances are really common and underlie most chronic ill health. They can cause digestive problems, sleep problems, behavioural and mood issues as well as causing inflammation which is the root cause of chronic disease.

How can we easily (and cheaply) find out which foods (and other things) are causing this? This event offers a day learning how to test yourself and others. You will mostly focus on muscle testing - applied kinesiology - but will also look at other methods too.

You will learn about food intolerances and how they can impact on every aspect of life, how to diagnose them for yourself, and how to deal with diet and heal the digestive system, so the diet doesn’t become ever more restrictive.

There are 15 places available at £65.00 per person.
To book please call Caroline on 01959 928227 or email

Organised By

Chartwell Apothecary & Natural Healing Clinic