Aeon Health - Events and Seminars

Appreciating an Essential Oil with Helen Nagle-Smith






7PM - 8PM

Extra Info

Many of us are drawn to using essential oils because they are naturally occurring substances within plants. Perhaps you already appreciate and use plants and / or essential oils within your self-care or practice?

Maybe you are more used to using herbs and tinctures but want to learn how to appreciate an essential oil that you have brought, and understand its healing power for the mind, body and spirit?

In this session with Aeon Education, experienced clinical aromatherapist, Helen Nagle-Smith will explore how she gets to know and understand an essential oil. You will learn how to use your senses, intuition, instincts and plant connection, so you can consider what the essential oil is communicating to you on a more subtle level and understand its healing potential.

This session will introduce an interactive way of getting to know and appreciate an essential oil that goes above and beyond reading about it.

Please bring an essential oil, pen and paper and coloured pencils or felt tip pens to this session as there will be an experiential element to it.

Organised By

Aeon Education

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