Aeon Health - Events and Seminars

Hawthorn - Myth, Magic and Medicine with Mary Tassell






7PM - 8PM

Extra Info

Keen on learning more about Hawthorn a plant we see so often in everyday life? Then this is the course for you!

During this 60 minute talk, Mary Tassell will delve deep into the plant we know so well. She will introduce you to hawthorn itself, outlining background information such as differing species, distribution and other interesting facts.

Mary will introduce some Goddess energy, some of which you may be familiar with, and some less so. To complement this, you will also explore the masculine aspects of hawthorn and how it is represented in mythology. Other areas will include Fairy thorns and Holy wells, seasonal associations and a bit of sex and death!

She then will take you on to an appreciation of hawthorns medicinal actions. The therapeutic benefits of hawthorn regarding the cardio-vascular system are by now well documented, and cannot be overlooked, but Mary will be taking the opportunity to broaden your scope of practice and look at the wider uses of this awesome plant. After a brief overview of the cardiovascular benefits of hawthorn, she will stray into other medicinal territories, looking at other body systems as well as considering healing for the emotions as well as the physical body.

If anyone else has a particular aspect of therapeutic use that has not been covered and that they would like to share Mary would love to hear from you on the live. Audience participation and the sharing of wisdom is greatly encouraged.

Organised By

Aeon Education

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