Aeon Health - Events and Seminars

The Alchemy of Herbs with Dylan Warren-Davis






Extra Info

A series of 3 webinars that reveal the depth of herbal knowledge that has been lost through a solely scientific perspective of herbs, reducing them to an assortment of chemicals. These webinars will inspire participants with the knowledge that can be gained through reconnecting once more with the wisdom of nature.

The series will run over three consecutive Sundays and will cover:
A historical perspective of alchemy & the alchemical perspective of herbs.
How the Four Elements, Earth, Water, Fire & Air relate to herbs.
How Planetary Symbolism has been used to understand diseases, humours & parts of the body.
Planetary signatures within the herbal kingdom & how they are used to understand the uses or virtues of herbs.

Organised By

The Association of Master Herbalists

Web Link