Aeon Health - Events and Seminars

Mills and Bone Dive Deeper Into The Gut Part 2 Everyday gut disorders revisited


Online Webinar




Extra Info

Thursday 21st October - 7.30pm Qld, 8.30 pm for NSW, Tasmania and Victoria, 10.30 am UK time

In previous webinars Kerry and Simon have explored the close interrelationships of the digestive, immune and nervous systems. With this increased integrated insight into gut functions, and especially the role of the microbiome, it is now timely to look again at our management of the most common and frustrating functional problems, IBS and GORD/GERD. Irritable bowel syndrome and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease account for disproportionate consumption of prescription and over-the-counter medicines. These at best relieve symptoms, and underlying causes are barely addressed. Herbal remedies have obvious prospects to do better. The insights of previous webinars will be brought together to develop fresh protocols for the long-term benefit of these upsetting conditions.

Organised By

Mills & Bone

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