Aeon Health - Events and Seminars

Touched by Nature - Winter Season Course starts






Extra Info

The first deep frosts have spread their icy tentacles over the land. Darkness is growing and winter approaches. The blazing trees become bare, the dark cold makes everything quieten as it draws within.

Join Pip Waller and Lucy Wells for an exploration of this season's gifts and challenges to discover our unique responses to the divine natural world. This course is designed to deepen connection to these elemental energies as we experience them within ourselves and in the world around us.

Register by Monday December 6th to join us on the introductory zoom session on December 7th at 7.30pm GMT.

The final zoom session for winter will be on Tuesday Feb 15th, 2022, 7.30pm GMT.

The price of the course is £50 full rate, £30 concessions and for those in financial hardship a contribution of at least £20 is welcome.

For more information contact Pip or Lucy via

Organised By

Pip Waller and Lucy Wells

Web Link