Herbal Medicine and Reproductive Health

Natural Approaches to Overcoming Male and Female Reproductive Health Problems and Improving Fertility

By (author) Marie Reilly

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Book Details

  • Publisher : Aeon Books
  • Published : June 2021
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 346
  • Size : 152mm(w) x 229mm(h)
  • Catalogue No : 94021
  • ISBN 13 : 9781912807222
  • ISBN 10 : 191280722X
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A comprehensive text-book for herbalists, nutritionists and other healthcare practitioners, providing detailed information on reproductive health in both men and women.

This in-depth and much needed book, will enable practitioners to gain an in-depth understanding of a wide range of reproductive health problems from both an orthodox medical and an energetic/holistic perspective.

It provides detailed advice on case history taking, clinical examination and orthodox investigations, together with comprehensive sections on diagnosing Ayurvedic and TCM patterns of disharmony, which may contribute to reproductive health problems.

Herbal Medicine and Reproductive Health also explores in detail how to overcome reproductive health problems and improve fertility with herbal medicine, nutrition and lifestyle changes.

About the author

By (author) Marie Reilly

Marie Reilly is an experienced medical herbalist and teacher, lecturing internationally on reproductive health. She qualified from the College of Phytotherapy in 2004 and was awarded a Masters degree from the Scottish School of Herbal Medicine based on her research into the treatment of female functional infertility with herbal medicine. Marie also studied endobiogenic medicine with Dr Jean Claude Lapraz, and Ayurveda with Dr Vasant Lad. Today she runs a successful multidisciplinary clinic in Lismore, Ireland.

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Reviews & Endorsements

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Ruth Trickey, Fellow of the National Herbalists Association of Australia and author of Women, Hormones and the Menstrual Cycle on 26/05/2021

I enjoyed reading this practical and useful book. Conditions associated with infertility in either gender are clearly and succinctly outlined; as are clinical evaluations, testing and herbal treatments. This is the work of an experienced practitioner. Natural therapists who work in this area of health care will benefit from a layout that is extremely helpful and logical, discussing as it does the organic, functional and lifestyle factors that negatively impact on fertility. I feel sure that this book will become an indispensable clinical reference to have at hand at all times.

Chanchal Cabrera, MSc, FNIMH, (RH)AHG, author of Fibromyalgia – A Journey Toward Healing on 26/05/2021

This book is destined to be a classic on the shelves of every herbalist. In clear and concise language the author describes conditions and treatments that illustrate her extensive clinical experience. With case studies to demonstrate the practical application of herbs, and filled with useful table and charts, this book also describes health and disease from an energetic perspective and suggests a range of treatment strategies drawn from Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, as well as the Western herbal medicine tradition. This book is also unique in describing reproductive health issues of men as well as women, an area severely under served by other herbal books. It is both deep and broad, practical and useful, and filled with clinical gems.

Phil Deakin, President of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists on 26/05/2021

This book superbly outlines vitalistic and holistic approaches to all aspects of reproductive health, whilst integrating herbal management and orthodox medical practice within a patient centred care model.

Marie writes with refreshing clarity and suggests effective and practical herbal strategies with relevant lifestyle interventions to support them.

Her systematic approach, sound knowledge, and experience of different perspectives is appropriately illuminated by unique case studies, supported by a carefully selected materia medica, and referenced from a wide variety of authoritative sources.

Here is a valuable and accessible resource for students and working herbalists alike.

Nikki Darrell, Principal of the Plant Medicine School, Ireland and author of Conversations with Plants on 26/05/2021

Marie has written an invaluable textbook on fertility for students and clinicians alike.

She presents a clear explanation of the various factors and syndromes that affect fertility in the modern world, showing the importance of looking at issues that may affect either parent. The suggested treatment regimes are carefully explained in both conventional and energetic terms. The material is thoroughly researched and referenced and includes sound advice on which herbs to use in pregnancy. The case studies that are presented are a wonderful exploration working in this area of practice.

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