Rehabilitation Through Pilates

A Guide to Recovery from Common Musculo-Skeletal Conditions

By (author) Karen Pearce, By (author) Sarah Sessa

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Book Details

  • Publisher : Aeon Books
  • Published : April 2022
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 220
  • Size : 174mm(w) x 246mm(h)
  • Catalogue No : 95076
  • ISBN 13 : 9781801520027
  • ISBN 10 : 180152002X
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An essential guide to helping common musculo-skeletal conditions through Pilates exercises.

This in-depth, yet clear and practical, book is written by two respected Pilates instructors with years of experience in rehabilitation. It details not only remedial exercises for each of the common conditions but also provides a detailed anatomy and pathology breakdown for each.

The first part of the book outlines the basic principles of Pilates. Next it explores the conditions found in the lumbar, spine, neck, shoulder, pelvis and hip, and knee and lower leg and also postural disfunction. Remedial exercises are detailed for each of these in the third part.

About the author

By (author) Karen Pearce

After a career as a professional ballet dancer Karen Pearce trained as a Pilates Instructor in 2000 and is also qualified to teach matwork and machines. She has a particular interest in rehabilitation Pilates.

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By (author) Sarah Sessa

Sarah Sessa is a physiotherapist and Pilates Instructor. She qualified as a physiotherapist from University College London in 1995 and went on to specialise in neuro-rehabiliation, oncology and palliative care.

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